Thursday, July 25, 2013

DIY Life: Motherhood

I'm melting. Like a sugary spun puff of cotton candy left in the sun. My brain is goo. And not the delicious kind of goo that drips from a truffle..the kind of goo that mashes out of a fly after being swatted. I'm a full time stay at home mother. My kids are healthy and 70% well behaved in public. My problem lies within myself.  I feel guilty about "me" time.

My kids are 3 and 5. Both of these ages are very demanding and incredibly emotional. I'm pretty sure I could fetch peanut butter sandwiches all day long without much complaint. But screaming fits of slobber and nonsensical gibberish over who gets to pray first at dinner can drive a mother to never make dinner again.

I dont allow myself regularly scheduled time away from my kids. I daydream of myself reading a book and sipping coffee in a little hipster cafe, wearing lipstick and a shirt that has buttons. My husband is always encouraging me to go somewhere, but I can't seem to relinquish my regimented schedule of dinner, pajamas, teeth brushing, and bed.  My irrational fear of the hubby's schedule of popsicles for dinner, MMA fighting shows, and a midnight bedtime turning my kids into prison material keeps me from perusing Target alone at 9pm.

Lately I've been reading mom blogs (blogs written by mothers who are experiencing some of the same things I am.) I found out that feeling overwhelmed, depressed, tired and angry is pretty common among mothers of young kids! Who knew?(I did.) After reading so many great posts about the struggles of everyday life with young kids, it got me thinking about how to handle this stage of my life.


You have to sit back and laugh about your new bra with each cup being worn as a helmet by your kids in the checkout lane. Or when your 5 year old breaks the loudest wind at a fine dining establishment. To further my comical relief therapy, I decided to download some fun mom books on my e-reader. I chose 2 books by mom bloggers. The first one is called "Ketchup is a Vegetable" by Robin O'Bryant ( and "I Just Want to Pee Alone" essays on motherhood by 37 mom bloggers!

 Hoping I can carve out some time to start reading these and feeling a little better about myself as a momma and a person with interests, abilities, and a life!

Happy parenting "me" time,

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

DIY Art: Kitchen Letters

I love creating art for our new home. Since our newly remodeled kitchen is almost entirely white, I needed a fun punch of color to break up the seriousness of it.
Foam or small brush
acrylic paint
3 dimensional letters (wood or cardboard)
plastic or newspaper to lay letters on for painting

Here are some more letter/word inspirations:
Happy creating,